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Take a Healthful Walk Through a Broward County Park
- Walking program for adults with developmental disabilities -

BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Adults with developmental disabilities are invited to explore nature in a Broward County park by way of a free Nordic Pole Walking Program, which meets once a week on Thursdays, from 10:30 to 11:45AM, starting on January 13th and ending on February 17th. The walks will start from the shelter at Fern Forest Nature Center (201 Lyons Rd. South, Coconut Creek 33063; 954-357-5198). Each participant may be accompanied by one parent, caretaker, sibling, or friend, who must also be 18 or older.

This is an inclusive cardiovascular and strength-based program that aims to introduce participants to simple, low-impact, and healthful walking. Each walk will consist of a warmup; a cardiovascular walk on a mapped-out trail, accompanied by strength exercises; and a cooldown. Participants are required to be ambulatory with some upper-body mobility in order to propel their bodies and use their muscles to walk along the different trails. Some classes may include an environmental-education component.

The introductory program will help participants become active and learn about a Broward County park in the process. Consistent attendance is required for participants to get the best experience from the program. Class size is limited and preregistration is required.

Adherence to CDC guidelines for social distancing, hand sanitizing, and wearing facial coverings is required.

For further information or to register, call 954-357-8170 or email

Recreation. Preservation. Education.

About the Parks and Recreation Division
Broward County Parks manages almost 6,500 acres, encompassing nearly 50 regional parks and nature centers, neighborhood parks, and natural areas at various stages of development. Hours and fees vary by location. Visit for details. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate in programs, services, and activities must contact the Special Populations Section at 954-357-8170 or TTY 954-537-2844 at least five business days prior to the scheduled meeting or event.

DATE: January 5, 2022      
Parks and Recreation Division
PHONE: 954-357-8115